Diana Swain

diana swain

children’s book author

When Diana made the decision to swap marketing for full-time motherhood, little did she know that she’d soon be a Mom and an Author!

Her two young boys were the inspiration behind her penning her first series of children’s early-learning board books.

Diana loved to read as a child and would often sneak a flashlight under her covers at night so she could keep reading even after “lights out”.

When she isn’t writing, editing or working at growing her publishing business which she co-owns with her husband and author, Brett, you’ll find Diana in the kitchen testing out new recipes, baking something for a school fundraiser. Or, though not as often as she’d like, Diana will be out exercising – tackling the steep hills in her neighborhood in an attempt to maintain some level of fitness – and to work off all of those loaves of homemade Banana Bread!

Watch this space, there may be a cook book coming in Diana’s future – it’s darn good Banana Bread y’all.

Books by Diana Swain